

Urbanization, Sustainable Development, Urban Transformation


In the developing world over time, cities have become living spaces that receive intensive migration due to rapid urbanization and where crowded populations accumulate. This rapid increase in the urban population and the sudden growth of cities due to the shift of employment from the agricultural sector to the industrial and service sectors has led to the emergence of unplanned urbanization. Although the rate of population growth has slowed down in the cities of developed countries, the population in cities in developing countries is constantly increasing due to intensive migration from rural areas to cities.  A review of the literature on the subject reveals that the concept of city has been defined by many different scientists. The concept of city has become a phenomenon that has been studied and conceptualized by scientists, especially after industrialization. The concept of city is defined as a settlement unit that is inhabited, living and has a soul, but it is also considered as the reflection of sociocultural and economic factors on the physical environment. Cities have been likened to a living organism that is born, grows, develops and wears out over time. It is seen that cities that wear out lose their functions and become inadequate, become obsolete, develop irregularly and become obsolete as time progresses. From this perspective, cities differ from rural areas in terms of population as well as social, economic and cultural characteristics. They are also defined as dynamic settlements where non-agricultural production is generally carried out, where production, distribution and control functions are gathered, where social diversity and specialization are observed, and which are constantly developing. As a result, since human beings are social beings, it is not possible for them to solve the problems they face alone. For this reason, the desire of individuals to solve existing needs and problems reveals the need to live together in social, economic and other areas in cities. From this perspective, cities differ from rural areas in terms of population as well as social, economic and cultural characteristics. They are also defined as dynamic settlements where non-agricultural production is generally carried out, production, distribution and control functions are gathered, social diversity and specialization are observed and continuously developing.


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How to Cite

TANER, F. L. ., ONGUR , A., TAĞAR, V. Y., KOZAN, C., & TANER, M. (2024). RURAL-URBAN MIGRATION IN TURKEY, EVALUATIONS ON ITS CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES. Ulusal Ceteris Paribus Ekonomi Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2(2). Retrieved from


